Great article! As someone who has used Nalgene products in both the lab and field, I can totally attest to the products’ utility and dependability. We’re on generation three now for Nalgene useage in our family and so the enduring legacy continues...Nalgenes (filled) also make for great counterweights to get food barrels up into a tree. What’s also amazing is that the breadth of water filtration systems available now for campers have been designed for compatibility specifically to the 32 oz Nalgene bottles.
hi kevin, terrific article! would you be able to share the source where you found the old Nalgene advertisement? i'd love to reproduce for a book on the history of camping, in which there's a chapter on water and campgrounds. Thanks!
Great article! As someone who has used Nalgene products in both the lab and field, I can totally attest to the products’ utility and dependability. We’re on generation three now for Nalgene useage in our family and so the enduring legacy continues...Nalgenes (filled) also make for great counterweights to get food barrels up into a tree. What’s also amazing is that the breadth of water filtration systems available now for campers have been designed for compatibility specifically to the 32 oz Nalgene bottles.
hi kevin, terrific article! would you be able to share the source where you found the old Nalgene advertisement? i'd love to reproduce for a book on the history of camping, in which there's a chapter on water and campgrounds. Thanks!
Hi Martin! Most of the vintage images are from a Nalge Company special in an issue of Science magazine, vol 216, May 7 1982. Cheers! KK